Thursday, July 14, 2005

Goin' Floating... a Missouri tradition since 1843

This weekend I'm going floating down the Huzzah river. As far as I know, I've talked to very few people outside the big MO that go on "float trips". For those of you who are unaware of this phenomenon, basically you get in a raft or canoe, consume a ton of alcohol, and leisurely float down a river for 8 hours, while consuming more alcohol. Afterwards, you go to your campsight, sit around a campfire (yeah, in July, in Missouri) and drink some more... Also, I should point out that leisurely floating isn't always the case, because by the time of year that is hot enough to do this, the rivers are usually low enough that you end up dragging your canoe or raft through about 25 shallow gravel beds.

Regardless of some of the details above it's always a good time. And there are always a ton of stories to share afterwards... This year should be no exception, considering I'm probably the only guy going who doesn't drink, so this ought to be very, very interesting...

But if I hear any dueling banjo's, [best redneck voice starts now]I'm running for them, there hills...[end redneck voice]

I'll share stories next week (maybe some photos too...).

1 comment:

Felone said...

Few more before I leave town around lunch time (By the way, I've seen these all first hand):

"I'm sure it's safe to jump off that there cliff"

"I'm sure there's no cops out here, why don't I smoke up"

"It sure would be fun to ambush random people with a fake snake dropping out of trees"

"Oh, you guys went to Mizzou too... What to try our beer bong?"

"No, I don't think I need sunscreen, there's a lot of trees around"