Monday, August 08, 2005

Floatin' got ignored...

Until now, four weeks later, I didn't post what happened floating. You know why? Because it was fun, but nothing interesting happened. Sure, I had an unbelievable time, but for the first time in my adult life, nothing weird happened on a float trip. The usual things that happen on a float trip are:
  • Somebody makes a fool out of themselves drunk
  • Somebody makes a fool out of themselves drunk
  • A couple gets drunk, gets in an argument because one person isn't paddling, or because the canoe tipped over
  • Somebody passes out early and gets ridiculed by the crowd
  • Someone gets drunk and causes canoes to tip over

  • Notice a trend here? Okay, so none of the above happened. People got drunk (I don't drink right now, so not me) but nobody made a fool of themself. One canoe tipped very early, but otherwise it was a nice weekend floating trip. No drama, no problems, no arguments, just good, clean fun.

    Interesting, I think I'm getting older.


    tokyocrunch said...

    ... and Jason spared you.

    Felone said...

    You're right he did...

    Although, I forgot to mention, somebody in the group in front of us was killed by a knife wielding dude in a hockey mask... No big deal, happens every year.