So this seems like a great October already, Cardinals are going to World Series for the first time since '87, Rams are 4-2, Mizzou is 4-2, we just launched a website that I've been working on round the clock for a long time.
And then... I saw this website (via Dave Barry's blog) that made me question whether or not I'm being controlled by or about to be abducted by aliens. Unfortunately, this helmet
The thought screen helmet blocks telepathic communication between aliens and humans. Aliens cannot immobilize people wearing thought screens nor can they control their minds or communicate with them using their telepathy. However, people can still be overcome by the Mantis alien (leaders) direct hypnotic-staring procedure as described by David Jacobs in New devices and methods to overcome their hypnotic control ability are being tested.Now I'm afraid I'm going to get caught by: (You have to read this using your best redneck voice) "one of those that there leader type aliens, who can just stare at me and abduct me, don't laugh, it happened to my cousin's husband Jimbo, he was out there noodling for catfish and he caught got without his helmet on... "
Still in redneck voice:
"Although I'm not sure if I need a helmet because I'm a pretty big guy and those aliens don't scare me, I reckon"
"I'd be like, Who ya lookin' at, ya big green, ugly alien? I ougtha kick your ass just for looking at me.... we don't take kindly to your type round here"
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Breakthrough in Real Evidence for Alien Abductions
Proof of the alien abduction phenomenon was achieved in January, 2007, when it was demonstrated that people claiming to be abducted by aliens actually receive a microwave signal. The signal was obtained by taking voltage readings with a standard multimeter from Velostat, the shielding material comprising a thought screen helmet and from the material itself. The material, called Velostat, is made by 3M.
This is the first time that standard electronic instruments showed that people claiming to be abducted by aliens actually receive a microwave signal. The helmets are called Thought Screen Helmets by inventor Michael Menkin. The helmets scramble the signal thus stopping communication between aliens and humans, Menkin claims. He has been making helmets and sending them to people abducted by aliens for eight years.
Although the source of the signals cannot be established, they can be considered positive evidence of alien abduction activity and they refute both skeptics and ufo investigators who claim that alien abductions are paranormal or supernatural. Any abduction victim with Velostat and a multimeter can obtain a reading which indicates a signal is being sent to them, Menkin claims.
Thought screens were originated by science fiction writer E.E. Doc Smith. Michael Menkin invented real thought screens in 1999. After a year of testing different materials, Menkin found that hats containing Velostat did stop aliens from abducting humans.
These breakthrough tests were obtained by a man in the United Kingdom who measured current from a thought screen helmet and from a piece of Velostat while he was wearing another thought screen helmet. The man had a history of being abducted by aliens. No current could be obtained from the other materials which he tested. The test cannot be performed by people who are not abductees because they don't receive such a signal.
Using his own funds, Menkin has made and sent thought screen helmets to people all over the world for eight years. For photos of meter readings that may indicate an alien signal see The site provides instructions for making successful thought screens. See Menkin's other site, for information and other evidence of alien abductions.
For more information contact inventor Michael Menkin at
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