I used a trial version of McAfee's Spam killer and it worked just fine and dandy. Trial expires... that's when all hell broke loose. (I'm going to do this in numbers just for sake of my own sanity):
- I suspect my spam keeps getting killed, because I'm not seeing as much spam as before I tried the software.
- Sudden realization that I used to have to allow certain messages that spam killer thought were spam, that actually weren't.
- I can't get into Spam Killer to "allow" them, much less see them... This is a little scary.
- I don't uninstall the software for fear of loosing messages that are in the killing zone (bad pun).
- I try to update the software from the link they give me in the verify window...
- Here is where it starts getting really aggravating: I get a message from my browser (Firefox) that I have to use IE. Stupid me, I thought IE was a less-secure browser.
- I keep trying and trying to get from IE to where I am supposed to be in McAfee's site and it prevents me from purchasing after my trial.
- I finally buy the whole blown thing (for more than I was supposed to from the free trial I believe).
- I keep getting this message from their site when trying to install.... (see second picture)... Notice how I don't have an information bar banning the active x control from running.... Second thing here, ActiveX is unsecure (I know this, I am a former developer)... This sucks that a "security company" requires both IE and Active X controls in order to buy and install their software...
- I've tried to install several times from both IE and Firefox, to no avail, I've looked in support and have found nothing to help me... I need to call technical support and complaing and maybe they can help me...

Shouldn't stuff just work? Does it have to be this freaking complicated? Why can it just allow me to download a freaking EXE and install it myself? Believe me it will be the last time I buy McAfee.
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