Tuesday, November 23, 2004

New Site Update...

Ok, Haze just for you :)... I've finally made a few new posts

So the new blog isn't ready... I'll make a post when it is (maybe event some previews). Look for it sometime in December, till then I will be posting here. (And more frequently then I have been the last two weeks).

So what's new?
I've been spending my free time (which hasn't been much until this week) working on getting my computer back ready so I can start mixing music again. I used to do this a few years back with some DJ software and I always focused on electronic (trance, ambient, progressive trance, etc..) and now I'll be picking it up again with the same genres but with a Christian slant. We'll see how this turns out, but I've always loved mixing music and I'd loved to eventually get some real dj equipment and do it live.

My new sound card will be here in a couple of days and I'm trying out some new software so keep an eye out for downloads when the new site goes live.

Also, my hours are back down to a normal pace now that we (myself and several others at etg) have launched and wrapped up the finishing touches on the website we have worked around six months on. Check it out at www.stlouischildrens.org. Kudos to eliot at bigwidesky for his great design and all the hard work by everyone at slch, etg and bigwidesky.

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