Tuesday, November 02, 2004

MTV... Rocking the Vote

This is an email I received from MTV (the tv station I hate the most) this morning:

A Message from MTV: Please Go Out and Vote Today!
All year you?ve been hearing from the candidates, asking you to choose them to be President for the next four years. MTV urges you to go to your polling place this morning and make your choice ? for President, as well as for local candidates and referendums. If you?re too young to vote, then go get your older brothers and sisters out of bed, and make sure they do. Pick up the phone and remind your cousins and friends to stand up and be counted. If you're ineligible to participate in the election, contact friends who can, and encourage them to make a choice.

I appreciate MTV trying to get people out to vote, we all know how left-leaning their company really is, but they aren't urging people to vote one way or another. By the way, as someone who works with email marketing everyday it's very sad that an organization as large as MTV can't figure out which characters don't work in emails. All of times you see a "?" in the middle of the email are the result of them both not testing their emails properly and using invalid characters for emails.

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