Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Been breaking from Blogging...

I haven't been blogging too much lately, due to the holidays and not much going on that has been blog-worthy to me. Here's an update on what's going on in my world:

MC Trin's wedding is this weekend so this should be a good weekend of seeing some old friends and watching our buddy get married.

Haze's blog hosting company went out of business, so he's moved his url to www.rantinghaze.com. I feel for him... After working in technology for a while (almost 6 years now) it would suck to lose a whole website and not be able to recover it. As soon as I post the new look to this blog I'll update the link to his site.

My buddy Matt is giving me his pool and foosball tables for the house tonight so I'm looking forward to having some people over soon and playing some games. (If my house wasn't a bachelor pad before, now the whole house might as well be a clubhouse).

Deloney (Mr. Meaner) just turned 29 so he's officially an old man!!

That's about it for me, I'll be posting again soon.

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