Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Sour Grapes?

On GOPUSA (via Talon News) there is an article highlighting comments from John Kerry at an MLK rally yesterday. Apparently, Kerry is blaming "suppressed voters" for his loss in November.
But, Kerry commented that "thousands of people were suppressed in the effort to vote" in the 2004 presidential election.

"Voting machines were distributed in uneven ways," Kerry maintained. "In Democratic districts, it took people four, five, eleven hours to vote, while Republicans [went] through in 10 minutes -- same voting machines, same process, our America."
I only have one question... Aren't election commisions bi-partisan? If so, how could his claims be true? Horace Cooper points out in a commentary at GOPUSA the tale of two cities when it comes to "election fraud".

In my humble opinion, based on what has happened during the last two presidential elections, the democrats think it is okay to bribe people to vote w/ cigarettes (st. louis), try to vote with dead registered voters and dogs (city of st. louis, yet again), try to determine the intent of voters who couldn't fill out a valid ballot (florida) and try to not send out the military absentee ballots in time unless threatened by the U.S. Department of Justice. These things are all ok with the democrats but in elections watched by both parties (Ohio) they are blaming "voter suppression". Who suppressed the voters? Oh yeah, the election commissions... Sure they did.


Marisa said...

Bush needs to be ousted ASAP! Nuff said.

Chris said...

Don't mind her, she's a democrat, don't hold it against her.

Felone said...

I could go into a long rant about Republican v. Democrats... blah, blah, blah...

I don't mind the comment though, but Marisa I have one word for you: "Scoreboard"

Marisa said...

Chris, be nice. I'm voicing my opinion and that's one of my "freedoms" also, one of the great things about living in this country. Bush is an idiot.