Monday, September 26, 2005

I'm finally Lost

I love the show Lost after watching this season's premiere. I had only watched twenty minutes of one episode last year and was totally lost watching it last year (by the way, that's two bad puns in a short space, sorry), but this year is different... I'm ready to go thanks to talking to friends and watching the season one recap show. Also, I'm going to borrow the season one dvd's soon.

Anyway, I have a theory about this show. I think they are all dead. I think they island is purgatory (which, by the way, I don't believe in). What got me thinking this is the case was the preponderence of coincidences. Way, way too many to be reality... So when they die here they are either going to heaven or hell.

So when the show ends, keep in mind, you heard it here first. They're all dead and they are in purgatory. If I'm wrong, no big whoop... at least I got a new show to watch.


Anonymous said...

That's a really good theory. I wonder if the producers are Catholic?

I am remiss for missing both the Lost and Alias season openers. Lucky for me (or shall I say providential) that our friends have a DVR with both AND almost the entire last season of Lost.

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