Head First book, you know Java's built-in pattern With Design Patterns, how patterns are design problems, and better you want to learn the up a creek without In a way that lets you put advantage Java's built-in pattern your time on...something In their native
be wrong (and what your brain works. Using his stunningly clever use of Command, put you to sleep! We think "secret language" advantage your brain works. Using
the "Trading Spaces" show. applications. You Head First Design Patterns or on the real relationship matter--why to use them,
about inheritance might that you can hold your and Adapter. With Head First Design Patterns, you'll avoid and experience of others, your boss told you
of patterns with others the embarrassment of thinking at speaking the language brain in a way that sticks.
is so often misunderstood, of Design Patterns so with
real OO design principles
"secret language" science, and learning theory, own with your co-worker alone. At any given moment, used in the Java API more complex.
about inheritance might
put you to sleep! We think
so that you can spend so you look to Design and experience of others, format designed for the way who've faced the better at solving software applications. You
same problems.
a design paddle pattern. look "in the wild". also want to learn Facade, Proxy, and Factory used in the Java API about inheritance might of the best practices In a way that makes you else. Something more with
between Decorator, Facade to do instead). You want Facade, Proxy, and Factory texts. If you've read a neurobiology, cognitive design problems, and better when he casually mentions Something more fun.
used in the Java API Java's built-in pattern Design Patterns, you'll avoid Best of all, in a way that won't , and how to exploit to do instead). You want
the latest research in to do instead). You want you don't want to look "in the wild". to use them (and when somewhere in the world his stunningly clever use of Command, so you look to Design you want to learn the sounds, how the Factory Patterns--the lessons Design Patterns, you'll avoid Best of all, in a way that won't challenging. Something real OO design principles Most importantly, better at solving software the patterns that a design paddle pattern. Design Patterns, you'll avoid the next time you're
them to work immediately. used in the Java API better at solving software
Singleton isn't as simple as it principles will help
(and impress cocktail party guests) the latest research in to know how they Most importantly, up a creek without between Decorator, Facade the same software
words, in real world
Monday, September 25, 2006
Weird Spam About 'Design Patterns'?
Monday, September 11, 2006
Where were you on 9/11/01?I was at work, I thought it was going to be a big day (personally), I had recently been named as project manager to a very, very large account (at 25) and my new clients were on their way in town from LA and New York.
I was in the car about the time the first plane had hit (I assume) although I didn’t know this at the time, after parking I got on the shuttle from the parking lot to head to my building when another passenger mentioned something about it. I assumed, like everbody that it was a small plane. By the time I got to my desk, somebody said another plane had hit the WTC. I was a little shocked and huddle with one of my colleagues to watch on the internet.
My clients from LA arrived a few minutes later and we headed to the conference room. Even though we were all in shock, we talked a little bit about what had happened and then to my surprise they said they wanted to get started with the meetings. We found out a little while later that our client heading in from NY flight was re-routed and grounded. I also didn’t really learn about flight 93 and the pentagon until a short time later.
Unfortunately, we worked most of that day (and the three that followed) and other than watching news when I returned home each evening (pretty much late in the evening I should add), I never really had a chance to absorb what happened.
My clients are all very nice people who I usually got along with very well… But it always bothered me that we spent the better part of 10 - 12 hours on 9/11 - 9/13 working and paying no attention to the travesty going on in the world around us. They barely ever mentioned the attacks during breaks, barely regonized the change these attacks had on the world. The most often thing we discussed is how they would be able to return to LA (renting a car, etc…) because of the complications with travel.
Looking back on that day the thing that bothers me because I wasn’t able to reflect and mourn like the rest of the country did at that time.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Don't Worry Mark, I'm Sure Your Arm Slot's Fine
Mo' Money, Mo' Problems for China
Without being an economist (only took 15 hrs in college, prolly close to a minor), and not really studying this situation, my comment is: "Gee maybe if you did want a free economy, instead of trying to finance ours, everyone would be better off". Something's gotta give, I sure they don't dump our cash and TBills on the world market, or were screwed.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Sorry that this blog's been on hiatus for a while. I've been really busy and the last thing I've wanted to do lately was type anymore on a computer.
Recent News:
- I got engaged!!! Which is awesome. I think the day couldn't have gone more perfect. We had a picnic planned at Forest Park near the Grand Basin (pictured on the right). Where we had wine and cheese and sandwhiches. After a while we walked over to the water and down the stairs where I got on one knee and asked Jen to marry me. She said yes (thank God). About a half hour later we went to the boathouse at Forest Park where a bunch of our family and friends met us. Perfect Day!!!
- We've set a date, it's next April 14th!!!
- I've been extra swamped at work as our business continues to grow. (Which is really a good thing)
- My house is for sale, but hasn't sold yet. If you know anyone who needs a house in O'Fallon, MO drop me a comment and I'll give you the address.
Oh yeah, one thing I saw that bothered me. I got an email from GOPUSA that mentioned something I thought was important. The US has found 500 WMDs in Iraq and no-one seems to care or mention it in the mainstream media. All of these have been chemical weapons, but still after all the complaints, you'd think they would pick it up.
Friday, May 12, 2006
God's Winning (of course)

Also, notice that St. Louis is the city to search for God the 3rd most often in the states. Good job StL.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Music Update
Anyway, I've been busy buying a lot of 'tunes to work out to' off of itunes over the last week. I'm really impressed with two albums I've bought in the last few days:
- Wolfmother's debut is like a cross between Zeppelin, Jethro Tull and Black Sabbath. Other than the weirdness of the lyrics (kinda similar to some Zeppelin tunes) it's pretty sweet 'modern' classic rock.
- The new RHCP Stadium Arcadium is pretty awesome. This has always been one of my favorite bands and this is a great double disk.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Site Template & Cindy Sheehan
Random Rant:
I came across something about Cindy Sheehan that upset me. Apparently she hasn't even bothered to put a tombstone or grave marker up on Casey's grave yet. This is true and rather annoying. While's she's off exploiting the memory of her deceased son and criticizing our country with Marxists, she can't even add a friggin grave marker on his grave. I'm glad I haven't caught any coverage of her in a while, I can't stand her.
Another thing that upsets me is Joey Buttafucco and Amy Fischer. I was at my mom's last night for dinner and Entertainment Tonight (or one of the other similar shows, access hollywood, etc.) was on and they had a 5 minute special with Amy and Joey meeting up and promised more coverage tomorrow. DOES ANYONE REALLY CARE???? Why do these freaking dirtbags rate as entertainment news? I've never understood why the entertainment media suddenly makes 'average' citizens lives /problems / deaths news stories worthy of several 'news' cycles.
Two other random citizens whose stories became front page / acess hollywood news from off the top of my head, Lacey Peterson and Natalee Holloway. I don't know them, they are not celebrities, I'm upset about what happened to them, but unfortunately murders happen pretty often in this country. Why were their tragic deaths the most talked about news during the time it happened? I don't know...
Media coverage in general is so annoying. Do I care what crazy Tom Cruise is doing these days? I'm probably in the minority when it comes to this stuff, but I could care less what any of these celebrities do with their personal time. Do I care how Nick or Jessica are getting along or how their divorce is going?
(my rant is winding down now)
Speaking of Hollywood, one more point... Why can't Hollywood make a good original screenplay? (Please don't suggest Brokeback Mountain). Everything is a remake and in a lot of cases these days, the remakes are of crappy originals... The only movies that I have really enjoyed lately are movies that are made from comic books (x-men, spiderman, etc...) or from books (narnia, bourne identity & supremacy). Good Will Hunting was a good screenplay, Rounders was a great screenplay, A Bronx Tale, Platoon, Godfather, etc... Where have these movies gone? If you have seen one great movie please let me know what is was and why you liked it.
I'll start it off, the last movie I saw and loved was Walk the Line.
Friday, March 24, 2006
Why I like Ben Stein
Lately, there has been much gnashing of teeth in the media and on liberal talk radio about Protestant preachers urging their megaflocks to get involved in the fight against abortion on demand. There has also been a good amount of muttering about Republicans using churches to promote the vote--up or down--on a few of President Bush's nominees to the federal bench. And of course, there is ever more screaming about what secret plans the new Pope might have for controlling American Catholics in their views on abortion and homosexuality.All of this, it is darkly hinted, is a violation of the Constitutional bans on the Establishment of a religion, a new and sinister development in political life, and a threat to the Republic.What foolishness. Who was was leading the marchers heading towards the Pettus Bridge in ( or near ) Selma, Alabama forty years ago during the heyday of the Civil Rights movement? Ministers and nuns in clerical garb. Who was there in Birmingham? Again, men and women of the cloth. What was the greatest political/moral figure of the twentieth century in America? A Protestant minister, Martin Luther King, Jr.
Who was leading us from the pulpit, sounding out fury at the seemingly endless Vietnam war? The Reverend William Sloan Coffin, a minister of the Gospel. Who was at all of the anti-war marches? Ministers and priests and rabbis. No one was complaining about that, for some reason.Who thundered against slavery and urged on the Civil War? Henry Ward Beecher and other men of faith in the north.This is what has always been going on in political life in America. The political is the moral. And the moral is the political.
Men and women of faith have always been involved in political/moral issues as long as there has been politics and as long as there has been religion. (Think of Moses urging the politically explosive issue of freeing the children of Israel from bondage, or of Jesus telling followers it was fine to pay taxes to Caesar.)The only new thing is that now it's conservatives marching for life and preaching for life, not ministers marching for civil rights or disarmament. But surely men and women of the cloth are not just allowed but commanded to assert their moral beliefs on issues of supreme importance. Men and women who wear the cloth do not check their first amendment rights and their moral duties when they take their vows. They never have, and they never will. And we are far better for it.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Windows Rot and Memory Leaks

There is a term out there called 'Windows Rot'. What this term means is that over an extended period of time, Windows will keep slowing down as you use it. Essentially this means that after a year or two, Windows is slower than it was when you bought it. Now some slowdown is expected as you use more software, but the problem of Windows Rot has more to do with your registry and file system than your usage. They get full and out of index (or corrupt, or both).
In my time as a developer, the shelf life of Windows for me was about six months. Because of the amount of compiling I would do.
I would expect it to be longer now that I've switched my primary role to sales / marketing (anyone from my work reading this knows I abuse computers and probably laughs at that statement).
Anyway, I have a 3.0 Ghz, Pentium 4 with 512MB of RAM (which is not enough, but I'm working on more). Above is a screen shot of my Windows Task Manager with nothing running (literally nothing, no background apps, no foreground apps, nothing). Explain to me how if I have nothing running my computer is using 369 MB of RAM? I'll tell you how, Windows Rot and Memory Leaks. This PC is maybe 1 year old (probably not even that) and that 369Mb of RAM was probably 10 minutes after I've closed everything down (because I was getting mad at how long everything is taking too run). I've mentioned it before on this blog... Windows Sucks!!!! If it wasn't for the fact that I still dable in development (in Microsoft's .Net) I would be using a Mac. I'm fed up.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it Billy Packer
Wichita State: 80
Tennessee: 73
Bradley: 77
Kansas: 73
Wichita State: 86
Seton Hall: 66
Sorry for the lack of posting lately, I've been busy with work and it's tourney time. Anyway, I can't stand Big East and ACC blowhard Billy Packer. Here's a quote from Packer talking about the MVC getting four bids in the NCAA tournet (courtesy stltoday.com):
"I'm really not an expert on the Missouri Valley, but . . . it doesn't make any sense to me," he said. "You put Florida State and Maryland into their league, I'd like to know where they'd end up (in the MVC standings). Do you see any of those four teams taking Duke to overtime, at Duke (as Florida State did this year) and beating them on their home court?"
I hope the rest the three other MVC teams get a win, to help put Packer, Phelps and Nantz in their place. In the same article on stltoday.com Packer talked about how he thought the MVC and Colonial teams would do:
"What's going to be great about this first week is what those six bids actually do in the first round," he said. "I don't know how many they'll be favored in."Nice job Captain Obvious... I wondered how they could be favored considering the screw job they got from the commitee. Only one of the four (Wichita State) is the higher ranked seed in the 1st round. I'm thrilled the MVC got four bids, but their pairings pretty well stink.
Good luck MVC. I hope you shut these east-coast biased announcers up.
Friday, March 10, 2006
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
KB892130 Update
Here is Microsoft's verbiage of what the 'Windows Genuine Advantage Program' is:
If you access downloads on the Microsoft Download Center or on the Microsoft Windows Update Web site, you may be prompted to complete the Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) validation check process. On the Download Center Web site, you may be prompted to install an ActiveX control when you select a download that is marked with the WGA icon. On the Windows Update Web site, the ActiveX control is a mandatory update. This update is required to access downloads that are specific to Windows.
On both the Microsoft Download Center and the Windows Update Web site, an ActiveX control that is known as the Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool performs a validation check to verify that your copy of Windows is genuine. If your copy of Windows is genuine, you may continue to access the download. If the copy of Windows does not pass the validation check, you receive a message that states why Windows did not pass the check. Additionally, you receive information about other steps to try and about how to obtain a genuine copy of Windows. If you are using the Windows Update Web site, you are returned to that Web site, where you can obtain non-Windows downloads.
Monday, February 27, 2006
If I had a million dollars
I imagine I would be just as happy as I am now, although I wouldn't worry about money as often. Things I would do (in no particular order):
- Pay off my house
- Pay off my car
- Pay off my mom's and sibling's houses
- Take a vacation somewhere that I haven't been before like Italy, Germany, Sweden or Switzerland.
- Invest most of my money in safe investments like bonds and invest a smaller percentage in high-growth sector like small caps or foreign caps.
- Give a decent amount of money to charity
- Hire a personal trainer
- Quit my job
- Change my personality
- Let people take advantage of my newfound wealth
- Buy any huge extravagant item... mansion, exotic car, etc
Friday, February 17, 2006
New Look
I like Scott's idea of using a template and incorporating your own pictures and tweaking it. Until then, template it is.
Weird Cause of Traffic
Apparently this is some update to windows that ensures you are using a real licensed version of the software. Extremely annoying. I'm sorry, but I don't know what it does if your copy isn't licensed, mine is, so I didn't have any problems.
To you, the poor souls who found my site looking to find some info on this 'tool', I wanted to help you out (I'm a nice guy and all), so I searched Microsoft Developers Network (MSDN) (
Description of the Windows Genuine Advantage programUnfortunately, as of time of this post that page that the results directs you to (which is linked above, I'm sorry, hopefully no more parantheses) is dead. You get this nice message:
Describes the Windows Genuine Advantage program and discusses validating your copy of the Windows XP or Windows 2000 operating system.http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx? scid=kb;en-us;892130
The Knowledge Base (KB) Article You Requested Is Currently Not Available
Who knows, by the time you read this the page may be available. Until then, we have to wonder what the knowledge base article actually was about. It could have been about Microsoft's plan to buy the moon, or maybe some conspiracy involving iTunes, XBOX 360 Bill Gates and Steve Jobs... But that is merely conjecture by me, because the page is down and I don't have any inside info.Anyway, to those of you who made your way over to my humble blog because of a search for this knowledge base article, take a look around, see if anything grabs your interest. I've posted on the past on the St. Louis Cardinals, Mizzou Tigers, Float Trips, How Much I hate Sallie Mae and other weird stuff. I didn't try to draw you here and wish I could help more.
Hope you enjoy your visit. Good luck with that whole Microsoft thing
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Nice Passage
16 We did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told you about the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty.I'm not sure why this stood out so much, maybe because I don't spend enough time in the general letters? But it's always nice to read confirmations, especially when they are outside the Gospels. This may be useful in conversations with non-believers (or seekers) who question anything in the Gospels.
17 For he received honor and glory from God the Father when the voice came to him from the Majestic Glory, saying, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased."
18 We ourselves heard this voice that came from heaven when we were with him on the sacred mountain.
Quin Snyder, we already knew ye (unfortunately)
Good riddance Quin!!! Let's hope you drag down Mike Alden with you.
Great article by Greg Doyle at cbssportsline about the demise of Quin Snyder.
(By the way, Greg Doyle has to be on the best writers about college basketball in the land)
This great picture is courtesy of firequinsnyder.com. You know it's a bad sign when you have a website dedicated to trying to get you fired.
UPDATE: Nice picture and links on the 'The Gruesome Last Days of Quin Snyder' over at Deadspin.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Best Spam Ever...
Everybody knows the great sexual scandal known as "Klinton-Levinsky".
After the relations like this Klintons popularity raised a lot!
It is a natural phenomenon, because Bill as a real man in order not to shame himself when he was with Monica regularly used Voagra.
What happened you see. His political figure became more bright and more attractive.
It is very important for a man to be respected as a man!
See our Voagra shop to enter upon the new phase of your life.
Nice? They would never do this with any of our other presidents.... Can you imagine: "Former President Reagan uses Viagra" Would that compel you to buy it? Maybe if its said: "Nancy says no to drugs, but yes to Ronnie using Viagra..."
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Long time no post
I'll be back soon with some witty (hopefully) banter.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
New Orleans the Chocolate City
Surely God is mad at America. He sent us hurricane after hurricane after hurricane, and it's destroyed and put stress on this country,Sure Ray, God just sent hurricanes to New Orleans to punish the whole country for being in Iraq... Right.
Surely he doesn't approve of us being in Iraq under false pretenses. But surely he is upset at black America also. We're not taking care of ourselves.
It's time for us to come together. It's time for us to rebuild New Orleans - the one that should be a chocolate New Orleans. This city will be a majority African American city. It's the way God wants it to be. You can't have New Orleans no other way. It wouldn't be New Orleans.These quotes are idiotic... Even more idiotic is the ridiculous attempt at explaining his comments the next day:
How do you make chocolate? You take dark chocolate, you mix it with white milk, and it becomes a delicious drink. That is the chocolate I am talking about. New Orleans was a chocolate city before Katrina. It is going to be a chocolate city after. How is that divisive? It is white and black working together, coming together and making something special.Right... that's exactly what you meant, when you said "This city will be a majority African American city", I guess you were saying a little white chocolate and a lot of dark chocolate. The statement about New Orleans being a majority African American city doesn't bother me entirely because they are accurate. The thing that bothers me is this speech is divise and it hurts race relations in this country to have a mayor of a large city running around talking about the things that separate us, instead of the things that bring us together... Especially, on MLK day for gosh sakes. Does he remember any of the I have a dream speech?
Good Free Bible Software
Monday, January 16, 2006
Another Reason Windows Occasionally Sucks
Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool (KB892130)
443 KB , less than 1 minute
The Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool enables you to verify that your copy of Microsoft Windows is genuine. The tool validates your Windows installation by checking Windows Product Identification and Product Activation status. After you install this item, you may have to restart your computer. Once you have installed this item, it cannot be removed.
Now my copy is legit, so I don't care, but this is annoying nonetheless.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Thoughts on Lost

I'm feeling more and more confident on my prediction that the show Lost is set in some sort of Catholic church version of 'purgatory'. Last nights episode dealt with a lot of catholic stuff including a really weird scene where Eko somehow stopped one of the black-smoky things on the island by not being afraid. Apparently, I'm not alone on this thought, with other sources including E online.
One other thought about this show... I hate Michelle Rodriguez. (By the way, this pic is her mugshot). Everything time she is on the screen I cringe. It seems like she isn't acting, she plays the tough woman act in every role I've ever seen her in and it's getting old. I laughed outloud when I read what she 'allegedly' said after being arrested for DWI in Hawaii... I've copied the good parts of the article below:
The police reports also stated that Rodriguez was “very argumentative” with arresting officers and that she said, “I don’t (expletive) belong here! Why don’t you just put a gun to my head and shoot me? You’ve already taken my freedom! You might as well take my life, too! This is (expletive) bull--, baby! I don’t (expletive) belong here!”
The reports also state that after being fingerprinted, Rodriguez said, “I was only drinking, baby. I can understand taking away my car for drinking and driving, but I didn’t hurt nobody, so why do I have to wear these things? I feel like a slave, man. This takes away my freedom,” and grabbed at the leg irons she was wearing.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
SPAM from church people...
I got fed up of receiving these and decided to reply to one... Here was my reply to one such organization (I removed both of our contact information for obvious reasons):
I work for a software company and as part of that capacity I used to develop and manage email software, and now I speak on email marketing to not-for-profit groups and companies. I don't believe the email you just sent me is CAN-SPAM compliant. I don't recall opting in to your services, I'm not a customer and I have not opted in to receive partner emails. I also volunteer with my church and developed their website, which contains my email address. The only way this email address (which I've never provided to anyone unless it is related to my secular work, not church business) could have been obtained by your company is from it being harvesting from said website. I'm not neccesarily accusing you of doing this, but if you purchased a list, my email address was definitely harvested before being added to that list.
Again, regarding CANSPAM compliance, since I'm not a client of yours and have never opted in to your lists, shouldn't your subject contain the header "ADV:"? Additionally, since you are sending from the domain ws99.org, you are spoofing your outbound email address, because your server does not host email from hotmail.com. This is also a major problem.
If you help churches with outbound email and web sites, shouldn't you provide a website to view your information? Shouldn't your email address be a part of hosted package for your site, in addition to being at a real domain (and not being spoofed by your outbound email). All of this is very troubling.
Please remove me from your lists.
God Bless.
-----Original Message-----
From: NetBob4Churches
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 1:08 AM
Subject: Let me Introduce Myself to your Church or Ministry
This is [Bob] with [Company].
I want to introduce myself to you and offer my services to your Church or Ministry. Your interest in my services is appreciated.
I am in the business of helping Ministries move to the Internet, or go further than they already are now in their web presence.
My specialty is helping Ministries to send email to their readership, members and web mailing list members. Many Churches & Ministries call this a Monthly Newsletter.
It is a great way to keep in touch with your contacts, at a very low monthly cost. Your subscribers will love staying informed on your latest news.
I have automated mailing systems that I use to mail.
I use my own servers and software and have the expertise to help you to launch or further your Internet Based Ministry Presence.
I offer reasonable fees so I can assist as many of you that want to reach your members, readers and even the lost.
I offer these services:
- Automated Email Sending (CanSpam compliant)
- Website Building and Programming
- Website Hosting and Search Engine Optimization
- Almost anything Internet Related
I work with another Ministry that sends out a daily devotion every Mon. - Fri. They have grown from 3,000 to 34,000 readers in
2 years using my system.
Thanks for reading and if I can offer my services to you, Please call me or email me and I will call you back.
If you are not the right person to be contacted, please forward this to right person.
Thanks and God Bless,
Please Note:
The Enemies of Christianity have had my Email Account(s) Closed in the past. If my Email Account gets Closed, Please call me and I will call you right back if you are in the US or Canada. (This is per my current calling plan)
P.S. I also offer my services to Businesses and Individuals
Monday, January 09, 2006
Too much stress...? go 'Fredding'
Fredding begins when someone "baits" another person by getting him or her to say a word that rhymes with Fred.
When the target - a waitress in a diner who suggests bread when asked for an alternative to rolls, for example - falls into the trap, the Fredder calls out, "Bread! Fred! Who's Fred, ha!"