I'm feeling more and more confident on my prediction that the show Lost is set in some sort of Catholic church version of 'purgatory'. Last nights episode dealt with a lot of catholic stuff including a really weird scene where Eko somehow stopped one of the black-smoky things on the island by not being afraid. Apparently, I'm not alone on this thought, with other sources including E online.
One other thought about this show... I hate Michelle Rodriguez. (By the way, this pic is her mugshot). Everything time she is on the screen I cringe. It seems like she isn't acting, she plays the tough woman act in every role I've ever seen her in and it's getting old. I laughed outloud when I read what she 'allegedly' said after being arrested for DWI in Hawaii... I've copied the good parts of the article below:
The police reports also stated that Rodriguez was “very argumentative” with arresting officers and that she said, “I don’t (expletive) belong here! Why don’t you just put a gun to my head and shoot me? You’ve already taken my freedom! You might as well take my life, too! This is (expletive) bull--, baby! I don’t (expletive) belong here!”
The reports also state that after being fingerprinted, Rodriguez said, “I was only drinking, baby. I can understand taking away my car for drinking and driving, but I didn’t hurt nobody, so why do I have to wear these things? I feel like a slave, man. This takes away my freedom,” and grabbed at the leg irons she was wearing.
Except that the show's producer says that he'd be disappointed if it was just purgatory.
Nice find... Never saw that article until now.
Oh well, my theory has lost (ok, bad pun), and we'll have to wait to find out what happens, but that will be fun. Let's just hope they don't have many more featured storylines with Anna Lucia (Michelle Rodriguez).
Well, they did it, they killed her off! lmao, they didnt want her reputation connected to their show. heheeeehee , i didnt like her from the beginning.
Funny how they killed off (or so it appears) both people arrested for drunk driving.
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