Saturday, October 09, 2004

Feeling particularly dumb today...

I'm having one of those rare days where I can't seem to finish any tasks and feeling rather dumb...

And this isn't a lack of confidence or anything like that, but normally I can crank through any coding problem in my way and for whatever reason today is not my day. I confirmed today's stupidity by taking an online IQ test and scoring 30 points lower than my normal score. I scored a 131. Could this be caused by stress, being tired, or by being sick (even though I don't feel sick)?

I'm not sure, but like W. said last night "You can run, but you can't hide..." from the fact that I have some scientific proof (albeit not an exact science) that I am dumb today....

I need to finish my work so I can try to watch the Cards game on TiVo (or as I like to call it the greatest invention for people who are never home).

Stupid guy out.

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