Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Something else...

I saw this news this morning:

The Republican-controlled House of Representatives overwhelmingly rejected a Democratic bill Tuesday that would reinstate the draft, 402-2. The vote was scheduled to silence a Democratic whispering campaign that accused President Bush of having a secret plan to restart the draft if he were reelected. Only Congress could authorize an involuntary call-up.
Which by itself is no big deal, but then I realized that two nights ago a democratic congressman was talking about reinstating the draft because he felt like the poor people were the only people affected by war. So he wanted to "spread out the casualties". Now you are probably thinking to yourself, "what's the big deal?", "we heard the same thing on the news". Well.. the big deal is that the democratic congressman was an actor and the show was The West Wing and it was on tv for the first time about a year ago.

Have we really gotten to the point where the democrats are watching The West Wing to see what Aaron Sorkin's next big idea is?

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